Home»Entertainment»Arts»Poem of the Week: “The Morning America Changed” by Stanley Plumly

Poem of the Week: “The Morning America Changed” by Stanley Plumly

vprThe VPR Poem of the Week is Stanley Plumly’s “‘The Morning America Changed,’” which appeared in the Fall/Winter 2002-2003 issue (Volume IV, Number 1) of Valparaiso Poetry Review. “‘The Morning America Changed’” also was published in Poetry from Paradise Valley (Pecan Grove Press, 2010), an anthology of poems from the first decade of VPR recently selected as a finalist in poetry for the Best Books of Indiana competition sponsored by the Indiana Center for the Book, supported by the Indiana State Library

Stanley Plumly is the author of various books of poetry, essays, and criticism, including Now That My Father Lies Down Beside Me: New and Selected Poems 1970-2000. His recent publication is Posthumous Keats: A Personal Biography. Plumly’s work has been honored with the Delmore Schwartz Memorial Award, the William Carlos Williams Award, the Ingram-Merrill Foundation Award, the Academy of American Poets’ Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize, and nominations for the National Book Critics Circle Award. He has received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship and three National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships. Plumly is Distinguished University Professor of English at the University of Maryland.

Tuesday of each week One Poet’s Notes highlights an excellent work by a poet selected from the issues of Valparaiso Poetry Review, except when other posts with news or updates preempt the usual appearance of this item, with the recommendation that readers revisit it.