Home»Community»Family»Porter County Animal Shelter Announces “Amazing April Cat Craze” Adoption Promotion

Porter County Animal Shelter Announces “Amazing April Cat Craze” Adoption Promotion

PoCo-Animal-April-2012-CatThe Porter County Animal Shelter has announced it's Amazing April Cat Craze special cat adoption program to find forever homes for homeless cats the Shelter.

Spring time always brings an influx of stray cats into the Shelter,” explained Shelter Director Jon Thomas. “We want to proactively work to keep the cat population at the Shelter down. This is our most aggressive cat adoption promotion ever, and any of these cats would make wonderful pets,” said Thomas, adding that most of the qualifying cats have been housed at the Shelter for less than two months. “We are drastically reducing the adoption fees to only $10, $15 and $20 so that we can place these great cats where they belong...in a loving home.”

Here is how the adoption promotion works. We are offering FORTY FIVE cats at reduced adoption fees of $10, $15, or $20....and three of them are NO FEE! Plus, for each of the 20 cats that have been at the Shelter the longest, we are also adding a $10 Pet Supplies Gift Card to the adopting family! The promotion runs through April 30 ONLY! Cats that qualify for the program will have a special “Amazing April Cat Craze” notice on their cages that lists the the adoption fee they qualify for, and whether a $10 Pet Supplies Plus gift card is included.

I am thrilled that the staff at the Porter County Animal Shelter is working so hard to find homes for these animals,” said Porter County Commissioner John Evans. “They have made tremendous progress in reducing the animal population at the Shelter through these innovative adoption programs, and the people of Northwest Indiana have overwhelmingly responded,” stated Evans, adding that monthly adoption promotions will continue for the foreseeable future.

The Shelter thanks Dune Acres West at http://duneacreswest.com/ and Creative Interventions Counseling at http://www.creativeinterventionscounseling.com/ for sponsoring the Amazing April Cat Craze by each providing $100 in Pet Supplies Plus Gift Cards.

The Porter County Animal Shelter has set up a special Amazing April Cat Craze photo album on it's Facebook page, which contains pictures and information about all of the qualifying adoptable cats. Facebook users can view the album at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/? set=a.10150695874934164.406917.290384424163&type=3

The Porter County Animal Shelter is located at 2057 Heavilin Rd, Valparaiso. The Shelter is open to the public on Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from Noon until 6:00PM, and on Wednesdays and Thursdays from Noon until 8:00PM. The Shelter is closed to the public on Mondays. Adoption fees must be paid by debit/credit card or certified check.