Home»Community»Family»Porter County Animal Shelter Announces Homes For The Holidays Feline Adoption Program

Porter County Animal Shelter Announces Homes For The Holidays Feline Adoption Program

Home-for-Holidays-2013The Porter County Animal Shelter will kick-off their Homes For The Holidays feline adoption program on Black Friday, November 29th. The first thirty qualified adopters who will give a homeless cat or kitten a forever home will receive a $15 Pet Supplies Plus Gift Card! The gift card can help make your cat's new home ready with litter, litter trays and food! Every adoptable cat and kitten qualifies for the program, but hurry because only the first 30 qualified adopters will receive the gift card!

Because we experienced a late kitten season, our cat room is overflowing with nearly 100 cats and kittens,” stated Shelter Director Jon Thomas. “With such a wide variety of ages, breeds and colors it is hard to imagine that cat lovers won't be able to find that very special cat or kitten that they are looking for.”

The Homes For The Holiday feline adoption program begins on Black Friday, November 29th and runs until thirty of the cats and kittens are adopted. The adoption fee for cats and kittens is $50. Each adopting family is provided with a spay/neuter certificate, if applicable, that is honored by most local veterinarians. All potential adopters must complete an adoption application and are subject to the approval by Shelter staff. Many (but not all) of the adoptable cats or kittens can be seen on PetFinder or in the Adoptable Cats photo album on the Shelter's Facebook page at www.facebook.com/portercountyanimalshelter .

The Porter County Animal Shelter is located at 2056 Heavilin Road in Valparaiso. Shelter hours are Noon until 6:00pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; Noon until 7:00pm on Thursday; and Noon until 4:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. The Shelter is closed to the public on Mondays.