Home»Community»Family»Porter County Animal Shelter Announces PET-A-PALOOZA Adoption Promotion!

Porter County Animal Shelter Announces PET-A-PALOOZA Adoption Promotion!

Pet-a-PaloozaThe Porter County Animal Shelter and Kids Power Porter County have teamed up present their first PET-A-PALOOZA adoption promotion to find homes for fifty adoptable animals at the Shelter. Twenty five homeless dogs and twenty five homeless cats will be featured in PET-A-PALOOZA, which will run through July 31st. Each qualified adopter of the featured animals will receive a free $20 gift card from Pet Supplies Plus which were donated by Kids Power Porter County!

During May and June, the Shelter has taken in 128 dogs and 102 cats,” stated Shelter Director Jon Thomas, adding that May and June adoptions are down due to summer breaks and vacations. “We are bursting at the seams with adoptable animals, and we are again asking the public for their help in providing forever homes for these great cats and dogs.”

Kids Power Porter County, a community service group for kids that exclusively services the Porter County Animal Shelter, has raised $1000 to purchase the fifty $20 gift cards to be used as an incentive for potential adopters. “We are thrilled that Kids Power has so generously offered to assist the Shelter in finding loving homes for our adoptable animals,” said Thomas, explaining that the Kids Power kids, along with their parents, have raised well over $12,000 in one year to benefit the Shelter. “Kids Power's support of PET-A-PALOOZA is another example of the deep commitment that these amazing kids have for the animals.”

The PET-A-PALOOZA adoption promotion runs from July 5th through July 31st. Twenty five cats and twenty five dogs are featured, and each of the featured animals will have a special PET-A-PALOOZA tag on their cages. Qualified adopters will receive a $20 Pet Supplies Plus gift card, once the adoption is finalized. The adoption fee for cats is $50. The adoption fee for dogs is $100. Each adopting family is provided with a spay/neuter certificate, if applicable, that is honored by most local veterinarians. All potential adopters must complete an adoption application and are subject to the approval by Shelter staff. The Porter County Animal Shelter will set up a special PET-A-PALOOZA photo album on it's Facebook page which will include photos and descriptions of the featured animals. The Shelter's Facebook page can be found at www.facebook.com/portercountyanimalshelter.

The Porter County Animal Shelter is located at 2056 Heavilin Road in Valparaiso. Shelter hours are Noon until 6:00pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday; Noon until 8:00pm on Thursday; and Noon until 5:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. The Shelter is closed to the public on Mondays.

Kids Power of Porter County is a community service group for kids that exclusively services the Porter County Animal Shelter and is always looking for new members and new ideas. There's no fee to join or belong, and no minimum time commitment requirement. For more information about Kids Power, visit their website at www.kidspowerportercounty.org/ or their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/Kids- Power-Porter-County