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Porter County Career and Technical Education News Vol 20, Issue 6

Horticulture Science Students Grow with their Assignments

Our Horticulture students under instructor, Mrs. Sutherlin, learn plant propagation and care in a professional green house. Pictured left to right are Jimmy Milligan (Washington Twp), Eric DuVall (Chesterton), and Jacob Jackson(Chesterton).

Mrs. Sutherlin also teaches our students computer aided design software programs where they can layout customer landscaping projects. Morgan Taulbee (Kouts) and Andreya Moore (Morgan) can be seen at right working on their coursework.

Below is Jacob Jackson (Chesterton) working with some of the plants he has grown in our greenhouse.

Culinary Students Help Local Kiwanis Club Raise Money For Charity

Chefs are wonderful fundraisers because everyone loves good food. Mr. Buford’s students donated their gastronomical talents to the local Kiwanis Club Choc-o-lots festival to help them raise money for the less fortunate. You can see some of their delicious and exquisitely prepared confections in the pictures. I heard that our students were the hit of the show.


IUN Health Professions Day

Students from Mrs. Wilson's Health Science and Mrs. Doane's Dental Careers classes recently attended Health Professions Day at IUN. This hands-on program gave students the opportunity to explore current programs offered at IUN, such as radiology, nursing, dental, health information, and health services management. The students also took part in an admissions presentation.

Career and Technical Education classes are the best place to go for college and career preparation.


Portage Marathoners, John Zack, PHS Asst Principal and former Work Study teacher, and Rhonda Doane, PHS Dental Careers teacher completed the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon on Nov. 2. It was a first for both of them! They are setting a great example of dedication, hard work, and healthy living for their students and for all of us. Congratulations!

Pictured is our Solar Light Display at the Sunset Hill Christmas Light Show

This project was a developed by Mr. Kenning and his students to demonstrate the viability of solar lighting.

Men are Encouraged to Consider a Career in Early Childhood Education

Men in Early Childhood Education, like females in Auto Mechanics, are considered non-traditional students because of their gender in a profession traditionally dominated by the other gender. Non-traditional employees are prized by many companies to help them meet their diversity goals. Instructor, Ms. Bunch ECE teacher at Hobart High Schools says, “Guys are welcome in our program and I would like to encourage male students who may enjoy learning about careers in education and working with young children that Early Childhood Education is a viable option for them.”

Although, it is a female dominated career, men who have tried it have reported positive success and satisfaction. Preschoolers LOVE having guys in the classroom. It brings a different energy level to the class and there are usually some little guys that can really benefit from a positive male role model. If Early Childhood Education might interest you, please plan on attending one of our upcoming Open Houses.

Culinary II Students Get Creative at Pines Village

Matt Reed and Destiny Ronco from Chesterton HS can be seen making pinwheels for “birthday night” at the Pines. There is always great interaction there between our students and the residents according to Mr. Buford, Culinary II instructor.


  • Winter Lights Festival, November 16 – January 1, Sunset Hill Farm, PCCTC Solar Christmas Tree Light Project.
  • November 26, Grand Opening of Student Store,
  • DECA Business Christmas Party Simulation, December 18, 11:45
  • Notre Dame Hockey game, Student Reward Trip, Friday, January 24, 2014
  • Chicago Auto Show, Student Reward Trip, Thursday, February 13, 2014
  • April 10, Spring Advisory Board Meeting, 3:30, Porter County Career and Tech Center