Home»Other»Porter County Museum Welcomes “Duners”

Porter County Museum Welcomes “Duners”

DunersThe relationship between nature and industry has not always been a peaceful one in Porter County. In the 1960s a battle raged between industrial interests on the shores of Lake Michigan and groups of passionate individuals committed to protecting at all costs the ancient dunes of the South Shore Line. On August 18, the Porter County Museum will be hosting two men who helped bring about the balance of conservation and progress we enjoy today.

Herb Read and John Nelson were some of the fiercest advocates for the Indiana dunes. Starting at 2pm they will be show a newly restored Save the Dunes recruitment video shown in the 1960s. No doubt these two “duners” will not disappoint in their enthusiasm for the cause.

The museum will be open August 18 from 1-4pm. Visitors can explore dunes-related exhibits and get a sneak preview of Herb Read’s opinions by listening to his oral history in the current featured exhibit We are Porter County. The video presentation will begin at 2pm.

The Porter County Museum of History is open Wednesday – Saturday 9am-5pm, and Thursdays until 8pm. Admission is always free and donations are always appreciated.