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Porter County Parks Foundation Annual Membership Drive

As the calendar turns another page today both the Porter County Parks Foundation and the Porter County Parks and Recreation Department continue to work hard to improve our County parks, deliver more impactful programs and do our part in preserving the rich ecological diversity we enjoy in Porter County. It is also at this time of year that we ask folks to join us and become members of the Parks Foundation.

Since 1984, the Parks Foundation has provided funding, volunteer support, technical assistance and scholarship dollars to the Porter County Parks and Recreation Department and our community. Many of you have participated and assisted in these efforts in the last several decades. Thank you for your commitment and dedication to the Foundation’s mission of improving our parks and acquiring more land to preserve the dynamic eco-system we call home.

As we look to the future, the Foundation and the Parks Department need to continue to acquire more land for parks and trails within Porter County, deliver more and improved programs to our community members and, of course, begin construction on the new Education Center at Sunset Hill Farm County Park.

Your membership with the Foundation allows us to accomplish these goals, and therefore increases our impact and spreads our message throughout Porter County. To learn more about membership, click here!