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Porter County Parks Launches National Campaign

rot3The Porter County Parks & Recreation “Fund Sunset” campaign launched on Tuesday at 6 p.m. on fundyourpark.org. This campaign is part of a national 45 day campaign where parks departments throughout the country will work to raise funds for various projects.

Porter County Parks was selected as one of 10 departments nationally to be part of the National Recreation & Parks Department Fund Your Park crowdfunding platform. The goal of the 45 day campaign is to raise $25,000 for the beginning of the natural playground project at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. The concept of crowdfuding and the fund your park project, calls on the community to help raise funds through online contributions.

Contributions will be accepted at all levels, with larger contributions earning local individuals, families and businesses recognition at the playground once it is completed. Levels that will earn recognition on the completed project range from $100 to have a logo included in publications documenting the campaign once it’s completed, all the way up to $10,000 to have an individual or company’s name applied to various pieces of equipment at the Native American play area of the natural playground. A full list of contributions and their accompanying incentives can be found on the FundSunset Facebook page (www.facebook.com/fundsunset) or by contacting Communications Director, Dana Yake at dyake@porterco.org. All contributions from $1 up will be noted on the Fund Your Park page for the project!

To contribute or to learn more about the project visit www.fundyourpark.org and select the Porter County Parks project. You can also learn more on the FundSunset Facebook and Twitter pages and by using and following the hashtag #fundsunset. All of these will offer frequent updates on the 45 day campaign and overall project. To contact Porter County Parks and learn more about how you can get involved please call 219-548-0219 or email Communications Director Dana Yake at dyake@porterco.org