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Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction, Making Porter County a Cleaner Place to Live

Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction, Making Porter County a Cleaner Place to Live

Taking care of the Earth often starts with our own backyard and forming a shared awareness of the problems we face in order to improve the environment around us. Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction has a vision for bettering the environment of Porter County that sees every resident engaging in a more effective waste reduction lifestyle. They are also dedicated to improving the quality of life of residents through their efforts, which includes voluntary recycling services and educational programs. All of these services contribute to a community that is more likely to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction is a government authority providing information about recycling, yard waste, and household hazardous waste services to the people and businesses of the county. Born out of the 1990 adoption of House Enrolled Act 1240, they are one of 70 solid waste management districts in the State of Indiana.

Its voluntary waste reduction services are available to all Porter County residents. For example, residents without access to curbside recycling, like apartment or condo dwellers, or residents whose curbside recycle carts overfloweth can take their paper, cans, plastics and cartons to one of six drop off recycling sites in the county. The entity also owns and manages the Boone Grove compost site and partners with the City of Valparaiso at its compost site to give all Porter County residents access to recycle their yard waste, and, in turn, take free compost and mulch for their gardens and yards.

Unwanted cleaners, gasoline, pesticides and medications; those products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable or reactive ingredients; can be disposed of properly during household hazardous waste collection events the district sponsors each year. The collections are the best way to keep these chemicals out of our environment and drinking water. These chemicals should not be buried in a landfill where they can contaminate ground water, and should not be flushed down toilets or drains.

Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction also sponsors recycling programs for electronics, like televisions and computers, batteries and fluorescent bulbs. And residents that don’t know where to take products to be recycled are always welcomed to contact them to be directed to the proper way to dispose of many different materials.

Aside from recycling services, education is the other primary focus of Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction’s mission. The district employs a full-time educator that goes to schools throughout the county, enlightening more than 10,000 children with thought-provoking, interactive lessons on reducing, reusing and recycling. The district’s Master Recycler program is geared toward adults, providing a comprehensive view of recycling and waste reduction in the county.

Improving the environment of Northwest Indiana is a complex task, but one which Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction is tackling everyday through its educational programs and by providing voluntary recycling programs. 

If you would like to learn more about their programs, visit Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction by clicking here.