Porter County Unplugged to Benefit MHA

On October 17, 2009, Mental Health America of Porter County is hosting the second annual "Porter County Unplugged" contest at Franklin House. It's a really fun night of acoustic music with about 12-14 performers competing for cash prizes. Chris and Lou (acoustic duo) are hosting it for us, and do a great job keeping the tempo up and playing through breaks. We get a fun crowd out - and it promises to be jammed this year based on the response we're getting so far.

MHA is a small, grass-roots organization that provides advocacy, support and resources to people and families dealing with mental illness. It's been in existence for 50 years and has quietly served thousands of people with dignity and confidence. Any sponsorship you would offer goes a long to help the organization since it's operating budget is under $100,000/yr.

"Porter County Unplugged" is looking for sponsors! In attempts to keep the sponsorships at a manageable level given the economy and the state of local donor fatigue, we're only looking for the following levels:

  • $200
  • $350 - (prize sponsor - we're giving away $350 in total cash prizes to the top three finishers)
  • $500 - premier sponsor

More recognition comes with each level. Recognition includes, but is not limited to:

  • signage around the facility that night,
  • logo on the programs, and
  • pre-and-post recognition in all press releases.

For more information, please contact Jim at 219-759-2426.