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Porter Regional Hospital Holds Vigil Celebrating Florence Nightingale and Porter Nurses

Tonight, a lovely group of nurses and hospital employees of Porter Regional Hospital, along with the hospital’s CEO Jonathan Nalli and the Board of Commissions President John Evans, gathered once again to celebrate the work of Florence Nightingale, the famed nurse who essentially founded modern nursing.

“I really look at Florence Nightingale and what you all do as nurses as that dawn of healthcare careers that has grown and expanded based on evidence-based medical practice that has been so integral to the expansion of healthcare. So really this is a thank you to you all,” Nalli said.

After a celebratory proclamation and the prayer by Evans, whose wife is a nurse that will receive an award for her 35 years of service at Porter Regional next week, the ceremony came to a close.

“I feel that [this celebration] makes [the nurses] pause and look at all the wonderful things they do – the meaningful things they do every day,” Porter Health System Chief Nursing Officer Taffy Arias said. “These nurses are such hard workers that sometimes they don’t stop to realize and remind themselves how very important they are because every time they have an interaction with a patient, they’re touching their hearts and changing them.”

So take a moment, especially during Nurses’ Appreciation Week, to reciprocate the love and care that nurses give to their neighbors and to thank them for all that they do and all that they stand for.