Home»Community»Education»Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: February 3, 2014

Porter Township School Corporation Weekly Update: February 3, 2014

Nate-MerrillI'm not sure we needed Punxsutawney Phil yesterday to see his shadow and tell us that we were in for six more weeks of winter. (This was also confirmed by Wiarton Willie--although Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam disagrees!) The only comfort is that data would show that Phil is often incorrect!

Here are some weather updates that are good to know for PTSC:

  1. We have received waivers from the Indiana Department of Education for January 6-7. This means that we will not have to make up these two days.
  2. We have not heard back from the Indiana Department of Education about our waiver request for January 8th, when the Indiana Department of Transportation asked us to not be on the roads.
  3. We were also out of school January 27-28 due to the extreme temperatures.
  4. Assuming we have three days to make-up (which we have to assume until we hear about January 8), we will be having school on April 21, 2014, which was scheduled as our snow day make-up day. We will have to add the other two days to the end of our school year. That means we will attend school on June 2nd and June 3rd.
  5. Want to make sure you receive notification of delays or cancellations? Make sure your phone numbers are correct in Instant Alert. You can also receive text and email alerts--so make sure you have included those in your preferences.
  6. If you are looking for the latest news or information and want to make sure you are getting accurate information, you can always check the PTSC webpage where we have listed information about delays and cancellations. You can also visit the PTSC Facebook page and "like" us so you will be alerted when we post. You can also ask a question here and we try to answer it quickly. Finally, you can find me on Twitter where I also post information on delays and cancellations or search Twitter using #ptsc.
  7. Two hour delays on any day of the week means that we start two hours later than the buildings usual start time. It does not matter that we usually have a delayed start on Wednesday--a two hour delay trumps that. It makes it easy to remember--a two hour delay always means that school starts two hours later than the regular building start time.
  8. If you notice snow drifting across a roadway or see a road that needs attention in Porter Township, please call the Porter County Highway Department (Ph: 219-465-3570) to report the concern.
  9. Remember to slow down while driving! As you may have heard, lots of cities and towns are running low on salt. We live in Northwest Indiana--roads will be snow-packed and icy. Slow down and take your time.


I'm hoping that since I discussed this in our weekly update that will mean it isn't going to snow anymore! Looking at the forecast I know that is wishful thinking!

Important Dates:

  • February 8, 2014: Legislative Forum being sponsored by the Porter County Retired Teachers is being held at Wheeler High School from 9-10:30 am.
  • February 17, 2014: President’s Day, No School
  • February 19, 2014: Online Day BGHS and BGMS
  • February 26, 2014: Kindergarten Round-Up for Porter Lakes Elementary There will be three parent/child meeting sessions, 9:00 – 10:00, 11:00 – 12:00, and 1:00 – 2:00. Parents are asked to phone the school to reserve a space in their preferred session. Spaces are limited, please phone early. Parents may reach the school at 219-306-8076, extension 5000. Children that will be 5 years of age before August 1 should enroll in kindergarten. Parents should be prepared to bring their child’s birth certificate, immunization record, and proof of residency to the session.
  • April 21, 2014: Regular day of school--snow day make up day for January 8, 2014
  • June 2, 2014: Regular day of school--to make up for our snow day on January 27, 2014
  • June 3, 2014: Regular day of school--to make up for our snow day on January 28, 2014


Things to Know:

  • Every Wednesday is a 30-minute delayed start. If we have a 2-hour delay, students will arrive at school 2 hours after the regular start time for the building.
  • We are hiring substitute teachers! Please contact Linda Dusek at the administration building if you are interested in substitute teaching and she will help you start the application process and discuss qualifications.
  • We are also looking for bus drivers to drive our extra-curricular runs. If you are interested, please apply online.


 cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Nate Merrill