Home»Community»Education»Porter Township Schools Weekly Update, What Great Resources

Porter Township Schools Weekly Update, What Great Resources

porter-township-schools-logoPTSC Food Service Website
Did you know that our PTSC Food Services Department has an awesome website (click above for a direct link)? There is a lot of great information on the website that you will find useful.

Need to see a menu? It's there!
Need to add money to your child's lunch account? Click the pre-payment option at the top!
Want to learn more about nutrition? Check out the snack calculators!
Are nutrition and fitness interests for you? There's a whole tab on it!

Don't miss out on the great resources that are ready and waiting for you there--such great information just a click away!

PTSC Standouts:
Congratulations to the BGHS Varsity Dance Team for placing 1st in the PCC. Great job, ladies!

The Boone Grove Girls Bowling team is on a 15 game winning streak! Way to go!

Great job to all of our student athletes, fans, and many volunteers who helped at the PCC tournament. Ms. Schludecker, our amazing Athletic Director, worked very hard to organize a great event for all of the PCC schools--and what a great event it was!

Email PTSC standouts to Dr. Schmidt at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us.