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Post-Halloween Links

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween! Here are a couple of post-Halloween links to check out this weekend.

Halloween Candy Buy Back

I don't know about you, but I still have three large bowls of candy on the table in my living room--and that's after a Halloween party and several days of snacking!

I randomly came across this link in an email and was pleasantly surprised. This organization works with local dentists to buy back leftover Halloween candy at $1/pound. The dentists then send the candy to Operation Gratitude, who distributes it to U.S. soldiers deployed in harm's way. What a great way to get rid of extra candy and hopefully brighten someone's day! Take a look--you can search for your closest participating dentist, and there's information for those would like to help set up a candy collection event.

Check it out: www.halloweencandybuyback.com


If you've been indulging in some snacking as well and are looking to work it off, check out this site--this is by far the most helpful nutrition and weight loss tool I've come across. Track meals, workouts, and browse a huge library of meal recipes and workout ideas. Even if you don't have a gym membership, there's a large number of articles with exercises you can do at home. This site introduced me to kettlebell training--my new favorite way to work out!

Check it out: www.livestrong.com