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Prayers for Valpo

If you think you aren’t good enough to receive what you need, Have a little faith and believe. God is not a stranger to the things you might say. Pray.” Pray, Stellar Kart (hear the whole song here) sunset

I’ve been spending more time praying recently. It’s frustrating when I don’t, but somehow I find a way to let it slip to the backburner or even off the stove. It can sometimes be found back there with exercise and eating better. But as I have entered into this evaluative period the last few weeks, I have tied back into more regular prayer in my day. One of the things I have been praying for is being open and ready to what is next for me.

Oddly, as sporatic as my prayer life has been (is), one of the things that has been layed on my my heart is that our community could benefit from concerted prayer from our community. I initially resisted this as a wrong number sort of thing as I would be pretty far down the list of people who should be organizing a prayer effort. Then, I was reminded of one our church’s statements – “God does not call the qualified. He qualifies and equips the called.” I am not being called to recruit and/or train people to meet this need. I am, instead, putting together a place where those looking for someone to pray for them can be found by those prayer warriors (or even just regular pray-ers) out there who are more than equipped and ready to pray over those requests.

The added bonus of the effort is that, I believe, bringing this community together will be a benefit to our larger community – Valpo – as well. I am not polly anna-ish to believe that this site will unify the entire city together to sing hymns up and down Lincolnway. I do, however, believe that an engaged and active core of our community, praying for others in our community, as well as the community in general, will have a positive impact.

Maybe this isn’t your cup of tea. Maybe this exactly your Big Kahuna-sized cup of tea. Either way, the site is there for you to use to share prayer requests, joys and stories of prayers impact. Maybe you don’t need it today, maybe you do; either way, I pray that we’ll get the word out to those who get it, need it and/or want it and that it will be there down the road when others need it too.

Please feel free if you are so inclined to visit and use the site – www.PrayersforValpo.com. You can email me suggestions at info@prayersforvalpo.com.

God Bless