Home»Sports»Parks District and Club Sports»Proceeds from Valparaiso Sunrise Kiwanis’ Annual Sunrise Classic Golf Outing to Go to Several Charities

Proceeds from Valparaiso Sunrise Kiwanis’ Annual Sunrise Classic Golf Outing to Go to Several Charities

It’s that time of year again – golf season! Valparaiso Sunrise Kiwanis is pleased to invite you to the Annual Sunrise Classic Golf Outing on Saturday, August 11. The event starts at 8:00 a.m. with coffee and rolls, includes 18 holes of golf (scramble format) with a shotgun start at 9 a.m., followed by lunch and prizes. All of this and a chance to win $25,000 (hole-in-one contest) for $90 per individual or $320 per foursome.

Proceeds from the event benefit the Riley Children’s Hospital, Head Start Program, local food pantries, Café Manna, Hilltop, VHS Scholarships and more. If you are unable to join us for golf, donations can be made to Valparaiso Kiwanis Sunrise and are always welcome and appreciated. The purpose of the fund is help support local organizations that positively impact Valparaiso children and their families.

For more information or to get an application, please go to www.valparaisosunrisekiwanis.org We hope to see you there!

Contact: George Gordon atgdgordon@comcast.net