Oak Partners, a wealth management firm headquartered in Crown Point, have promoted Advisors Michael Hadt and Stephen Kavois, to the position of Partner and named them members of the firm’s Board of Advisors on Thursday, Feb. 5.
Hadt and Kavois have a combined 15-years of experience at Oak and told Ideas in Motion Media that they are excited about the new responsibility of managing the direction of the company.
“It’s surreal,” Hadt described. “It’s a heck of a lot more responsibility, but I am excited about being able to shape the future of the company as it expands.”
Kavois, who is celebrating his 10th year with Oak Partners, told us he expects his new role on the board to be challenging but rewarding.
“I expect a lot of hard work,” Kavois said. “We’re growing, but we want to make sure our customers get the quality client experience they have always had with Oak Partners.”
When asked about their expectations for the new roles, Kavois and Hadt both had the same wish: to continue helping the firm grow while never compromising the client experience.
“That’s why we’ve been so successful,” said Hadt. “We treat every client the right way.”
Because, as Kavois added, no matter how big Oak Partners gets, “(Northwest Indiana) is still our home.”
Congratulations, Michael and Stephen, and to Oak Partners for their two latest additions to the Board of Directors.
Securities and Advisory Services offered through SII Investments Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC a Registered Investment Advisor.
Oak Partners, Inc. and SII Investments are separate and unrelated Companies.