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PTSC Weekly Update: 2016 Indiana Academic Standards

porter-township-schools-logoOur teachers at all levels work hard to prepare lessons for students each day. This takes hours of work and creativity to bring content to life in ways that relate to the world. The Indiana College and Career Readiness Standards play a staring role in the lessons that are created.

It is a great idea to look at the standards for your child's grade level to see what they are expected to know. Additionally, you may find it helpful to look at what is to come in the next grade level.

You can learn more about these standards by using the following links:
Overview of the Indiana Academic Standards
What are standards?
English Language Arts Standards
Mathematics Standards
Science Standards
Social Studies Standards

PTSC Standouts:
"The difference in winning and losing is most often not quitting." - Walt Disney

Here's a huge thank you to the Varsity Girls Cheerleaders. They held a mini-cheer clinic for the elementary students so that they could perform at the half time of the Friday night basketball game. There was a glitch in the music working--but they did not give up. The girls started singing the song and helped the elementary students finish the routine. As parent Melissa Bowman so perfectly pointed out, "They could have easily giving up and told the girls sorry, but they let the girls finish and showed them not to give up and to make the best of a situation!" I think that says a lot about our cheerleaders--great work, great role models, and that was definitely a win!

Email PTSC standouts to Dr. Schmidt at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us.