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PTSC Weekly Update: Winter Break so Soon?

PTSC-Weekly-Update-12-15-14Winter Break so Soon?
Remember those days when summer seemed to last forever and time didn't seem to move so quickly? I can't believe we are already in the last few weeks of our first semester and headed into our winter break. While I believe everyone looks forward to a few days off of school and work--I hope that we can all use this time to reflect on the past year and find things for which we are thankful. Wrapping up a year is always the perfect time for reflection and gratitude. It's also important to look toward 2015 and dream about what you'd like to accomplish during this new year. What is on your list of dreams?

PTSC Standouts:
Boone Grove Builder’s Club and Student Council just completed their fourth annual “Ham Dinner in a Box” project. Students collected all the makings of a ham dinner for the holidays for the Porter Township Food Pantry. Twenty six families in Porter Township will enjoy a delicious holiday dinner because of their efforts! Boxes include: ham, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, a bag of potatoes, stuffing, a bag of oranges or apples, heat and serve rolls, pork gravy, and two dozen homemade cookies. Township families donated $390 for the purchase of the hams. The rest of the items were collected by the Builder’s Club Members. A special thanks to the National Junior Honor Society for purchasing some of the needed items to make this project a success! This project is an awesome example of how our school and community pull together to help those in need. What awesome work by our students and staff!

Congratulations to all involved with this year's Madrigal--all of that hard work and dedication paid off in an outstanding event!

Email PTSC standouts to Dr. Schmidt at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us.