I am pleased to announce publication of the 26th issue of Valparaiso Poetry Review.
The Spring/Summer 2012 issue (Volume XIII, Number 2) of VPR includes Patricia Clark as the featured poet. In addition, 33 other poets are represented in the new issue of VPR. The issue also includes reviews of recent poetry books and a commentary on the cover artwork by Kara Walker.
Featured Poet: Patricia Clark
Additional Poets: Walter Bargen, Nancy Botkin, Debra Bruce, Jared Carter, Robin Chapman, Liz N. Clift, Rachel Dacus, Lucille Lang Day, Teneice Durrant Delgado, Myron Ernst, Patricia Fargnoli, Timothy Gray, Daniel Henry, Miriam Kotzin, Len Krisak, Peter Makuck, Al Maginnes, Greg McBride, Ron McFarland, Travis Mossotti, April Ossmann, William Page, Jon Palzer, Ron Paul Salutsky, Peter Serchuk, Floyd Skloot, Karen Skolfield, Larry D. Thomas, William Walsh, Laura Lee Washburn, Charles Harper Webb, Lesley Wheeler, Valerie Wohlfeld
Reviews: Ingrid Wendt Reviewed by Janet McCann; Wendy Videlock Reviewed by D.A. Jeremy Telman; Rachel Contreni Flynn Reviewed by Paul David Adkins
Cover Art Commentary on Kara Walker by Gregg Hertzlieb
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