When most people hear the word summer, they often envision the fun things you can do during the hot summer months, like camping, swimming, and exploring nature. One of the incredible counties that makes up Northwest Indiana, Pulaski County, has many options available for those who enjoy getting out and spending time in the great outdoors.
Nathan Origer, Executive Director for Pulaski County Community Development Commission, spoke about all the amazing things Pulaski County has to offer this summer.
“At the heart of it all, the Tippecanoe River is what brings most out-of-town campers to our area. The river and the state park are a huge draw and for a good reason!” he said.

The river provides opportunities for activities like fishing, tubing, canoeing, and kayaking. It is surrounded by rolling countryside that offers different types of camping activities, like nature trails and biking.
“The Tippecanoe River forms the horseshoe around the Winamac town park and sets it off from the valley that overlooks the park. The state park was also developed along the river, so everything really stems from there,” he said.
Along with the state park, campers also enjoy visiting the Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Preserve in Medaryville to take part in activities like hunting and fishing. In the fall, people come together to watch the sandhill cranes migrate.
There are three main private full-scale campgrounds in Pulaski County – Rising Sun Campground, Broken Arrow Campground, and Acorn Oaks Campground.

Rising Sun Campground is a family owned and operated campground in Monterey that not only offers direct access to the river, but also has a canoe livery that rents out watercraft to campers.
Broken Arrow Campground is a sizeable campground in Winamac that is perfect for an enjoyable, old-fashioned family camping trip. During the summer, the camp has been known to house just as many people as are living in the entire town of Winamac!
Acorn Oaks Campground is a smaller full-service campground in Francesville ideal for those who appreciate the simpler things. Acorn Oaks is a clean, quiet, and peaceful getaway spot with great amenities and lots of yearly activities for all different types of people.
“There are different levels of ‘roughing it’ throughout the multiple camp sites, especially at the Tippecanoe River State Park. One cool feature we have is the horse riding trails that hikers and bicyclists will sometimes co-use for hiking and trail riding. Our nature center (at the state park) is also a popular destination for many people,” he said.
However, when it comes to interacting and connecting with nature, there is much more than just the nature center. The Tippecanoe River and the area surrounding it supports a large variety of fascinating wildlife and plant life.

While there are no formal/official areas for those looking for something more remote, there are two bed and breakfasts in Pulaski County – Tortuga Inn in Winamac, which offers direct access to the Tippecanoe River, and Meadow Springs Manor in Francesville. These bed and breakfasts offer visitors a chance to still explore the area and get out into nature, just in a less rustic way.
Some additional fun things that Pulaski County has to offer include a paintball facility a few miles north of the state park, a 20+ mile panhandle pathway multimodal trail which runs from south Winamac into Cass County, a World of Motorcycles museum, an old one-screen movie theatre, and an amazing array of restaurants.
“Our Peaceable Primate Sanctuary definitely sets us apart from the rest. It’s a really unique and unexpected place that brings many people to our area,” Origer said.
To learn more about Pulaski County and the exciting things they have planned, please visit http://pulaskionline.org/. To view the full list of campgrounds in Pulaski County, please visit https://www.in.gov/isdh/22932.htm.