Pumpkin Time!

Halloween is here! As per my yearly tradition, I have my costume. Check. I have eaten candy corn. Check. I have enjoyed some lovely hot apple cider. Check. I have consumed copious amounts of candy other than candy corn. Check. I have decorated with fake pumpkins and a candy corn banner made out of crepe paper. Check. I visited the orchard to pick out a pumpkin. Check. I have carved my pumpkin….Oops.

Pumpkin carving is ESSENTIAL to Halloween and the overall fall season. It is what makes my fall that much more special. Ever since I was a kid, I have enjoyed decorating pumpkins. Before I was able to wield a carving knife, it was paint and hair made out of yarn for my pumpkins. Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz was my favorite decorated pumpkin. These progressed to the traditional triangle eyes pumpkin. It was only a few years ago that I discovered the ease of pumpkin patterns.

Whoever thought of pumpkin patterns is a genius. The patterns are super easy to follow, they have patterns from very simple to advanced, one for ever level of pumpkin carver. I like a challenge so I chose a more advanced pattern. This year’s selection was a whimsical ghost.

The first step in carving a pumpkin is cutting off the top. Make sure you carve at an angle, so the top won’t fall back in when you put it back on. Then comes the messy part: digging out the pumpkin guts! As you do this, set aside the seeds. Scraping the insides of the pumpkin is very important; when you put a candle inside to light it, you don’t want to set the pumpkin on fire. Next, tape the pattern to the front of the pumpkin, poke little holes along the lines, and carve out little pieces at a time. Generally the pattern will give directions as to which parts to carve first, so you don’t break off little pieces. Lastly, put a candle inside and light up your pumpkin!

A way to make the most out of your pumpkin is to use the seeds. My favorite thing to do is sprinkle cinnamon and sugar over them, bake for several minutes, and then enjoy! The sweet seeds make for a great treat!