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Pumps Fitness New Year’s Revolution

Pumps Fitness New Year’s Revolution

Okay, so it's no secret Ian of Pumps Fitness gets excited about creating workouts and fat loss programs, and this is no exception.

Ian was so inspired by all the feedback he received from his first outreach a few days ago, discussing how so many people fail at their weight-loss New Year’s resolutions, and end up right back where they were when they started or worse: fatter. He also explained the four reasons why most people fail at their weight-loss New Year’s resolutions:

  • Their goals are probably unrealistic, and so they’ve already set themselves up for failure.
  • They’re unprepared. Sure, they have a general idea that they want to lose weight, but they most likely do not have a game plan.
  • Their goals are unclear.
  • They lack support. The going WILL GET TOUGH, and your support system is what will see you through to your goals.
  • And New Year resolutions suck!

Ian has a ton of clients that he helps lose weight and get in better shape. One of the things he teaches them from day one is that they can achieve whatever they want to achieve, whenever you want to once they get their mind right.

You don't need permission from anyone. And you don't need to wait for the New Year. Just dump the idea of resolutions, and let me tell you about my New Year’s Revolution Challenge.

That's what I'm calling it: The New Year’s Revolution Challenge program!

Here are some details on the New Year’s Revolution Challenge:

  • It is a program designed to overcome the four “fail factors” mentioned above.
  • It's a six-week body transformation program specifically designed to burn fat and tone muscles while you workout with Ian, and then to give you the coveted "Afterburn" effect so you can burn more fat once you leave your workouts.

"Afterburn" is the state of heightened metabolism that takes place after a good workout, but only if certain variables are in place during the workout session. In fact, it's scientifically proven that you can go into Afterburn and torch calories for as long as 18 hours after a workout.

  • Each workout session is designed to put your body into "Afterburn" to achieve maximum fat loss during the six-week program.
  • You'll also get a customized meal plan to follow, designed to burn even more fat without restricting calories (this is NOT a diet). It's a fat loss-eating program that’s simple and easy.
  • This weight-loss New Year’s Revolution starts on Monday January 15th.
  • Here's the best part: Ian wants to make sure this program is accessible for anyone who wants to lose weight, burn fat, tone up, get support and reach their ideal weight.
  • So, he made it very affordable; it’s only $400 if you sign up before January 1st, 2018. (Price will increase to $500 after the first of the year) And, you are welcome to split the payments into two payments of $200—30 days apart—if you'd like.

Now, typically a training program like this would range from $600-$700 because of all the perks. This program at two payments of $200 is a great deal! Now in addition to this being the most awesome weight loss program EVER, there is on last thing...Ian is going to back it up with his own money.

He is so confident that if you follow the program you're going to lose weight and be totally happy with my New Year’s Revolution program that he is going to give you a full refund—no questions asked—if, at the end of the six-week program, you feel it wasn't everything he said it would be.

Fair enough?

So, since the program starts Monday January 15th, and since space is limited to fifteen people, and since it's only two payments of $200, it's going to fill up FAST!

Here's what you need to do now...

Just Click here to get registered

P.S. There is one small thing you must do to qualify for this six-week weight loss fitness program: You must promise me to NEVER have a New Year’s resolution again, okay? YOU can achieve anything you want to, whenever you want to!

So Click here let me know you want in on the Revolution! Or Call Ian at 219-548-3480 and register over the phone. Hurry, because the program starts Monday January 15th.