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Pumps Fitness: Vacation Proof Your Diet

Pumps-Fitness-Vacation-Proof-Your-DietYou don’t need another article that’s going to tell you the same old advice about eating healthy on vacation. “Watch your portions!” “Pack some snacks!” “Pick a cheat day!”

You’ve heard it all before.

And yet every year you go away for a fun vacation, get carried away at the buffet, and come back 3 to 5 pounds heavier than when you left.

It sure would be nice to find a diet plan that would work 365 days per year. A plan that would have you at your ideal weight, happy with your body, and not deprived of the foods that you love. Even while on vacation.

Such a plan does exist, and it’s really simple.

It’s so simple that it’s not even a plan; it’s a mindset.

If you want a lean, hot body 365 days a year then you must become unreasonable.

Unreasonable, that is, by society’s standards.

Society today says that it is reasonable to...

  • Binge eat on vacation.
  • Consume large quantities of sugar on a regular basis.
  • Frequent fast food restaurants.
  • Exercise at a slow pace once or twice a week.
  • Slack off on keeping your body properly hydrated.
  • Live a sedentary life while consuming extra large portions of food.
  • Eat processed and industrialized “foods”.
  • Reduce your standards for health and quality of life.
  • Put your goals and dreams on hold.
  • Let your goals and dreams slowly die.

If you’re living a “reasonable” life by society’s standards then you are out of shape, tired and dehydrated. You go away on vacation and come home heavier and more uncomfortable.

Nothing else could result from abiding by society’s rules.

If you want different results, if you want to achieve a body that’s lean, healthy, sexy and energetic, then you must become UNREASONABLE.


  • Eat sensibly on vacation, balancing indulgences with activity and calorie control.
  • Restrict sugar for only rare and special occasions.
  • Stick with simple, wholesome meals made at home (like the recipe for Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken below)
  • Exercise at a high intensity 4 to 5 times per week, always pushing themselves to lift more and go harder.
  • Make the conscious effort to drink water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration.
  • Live an active life where food is consumed sensibly as fuel.
  • Fill their diet with fresh, real, unadulterated foods.
  • Refuse to peak physically or mentally; always strives to raise the bar.
  • Actively pursue their goals and dreams.
  • Routinely achieve their goals and dreams…and go on to set new ones.

So there you have it, the way to vacation proof your diet is to adopt the mindset of an UNREASONABLE FIT PERSON.

This mindset will carry over into your entire year, not just that week of vacation, and by the time next summer rolls around you’ll be living in a very unreasonably fit and attractive body!

If you’re not yet one of my fit and active clients then join us now! I’d love nothing more than to guide you through your stunning body transformation!

Call or email me today to get started. Let’s do this!

I Wanna Be Like...
Do you have a fitness inspiration? Someone to observe whom embodies the lifestyle that you wish to have?

Focus on shining examples of fitness, and forget the standards that society has accepted.

Pumps-Slow-Cooker-Balsamic-ChickenSlow Cooker Balsamic Chicken
There are many ways to prepare chicken breast. You could grill it, bake it, sauté it or fry it. You could eat it cold or hot, spicy or mild. You could season it generously or leave it plain. You could spend lots of time and effort, or barely any at all.

This Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken tops my list of favorite ways to prepare chicken breast. It requires minimal time and effort and results in moist, tender, flavorful chicken that could compete with just about any fancy chicken dish. All while providing superb nutrition to keep you fit, lean and in control of your health.

Courtesy of RealHealthyRecipes.com
Servings: 12

Here’s what you need

  • 3 yellow or red onions, quartered and sliced
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • ½ cup balsamic vinegar
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon liquid stevia
  • 2 Tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon whole grain mustard
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Thyme, minced
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Oregano, minced
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Rosemary, minced
  • 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 Tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 Tablespoon fresh Parsley, minced for garnish


  1. Place the onions in the bottom of the slow cooker and top with the chicken. Season generously with salt and pepper.
  2. In a small bowl, combine the balsamic vinegar, broth, stevia, both mustards, thyme, oregano, rosemary and red pepper flakes.
  3. Pour the mixture over the chicken and sprinkle with the garlic.
  4. Cover and cook on high, until the chicken is tender, for 4-5 hours. Garnish with fresh parsley. Enjoy!

Nutritional Analysis
One serving equals: 130 calories, 2g fat, 4g carbohydrate, 1g sugar, 350mg sodium, 1g fiber, and 26g protein.