Home»Other»“Books Give Your Brain a Boost” Is Theme for Americorps Week

“Books Give Your Brain a Boost” Is Theme for Americorps Week

Americorps-LogoGoal is One Million Minutes of Reading by Students, Community Members

"Books Give Your Brain a Boost" is the theme of AmeriCorps Week in Lake, LaPorte, Starke, Marshall, and Porter counties. From March 10 through March 18, community members will be encouraged to read and log their minutes. The goal is one million minutes logged by students, their families, and other members of the community.

The theme underscores the AmeriCorps commitment to education and builds on previous reading-focused projects in the region, including the recent book drive that placed more than 3500 books in the hands of area elementary schoolchildren.

AmeriCorps volunteers working in schools and not-for-profit organizations in these counties will organize site-specific "Books Give Your Brain a Boost" events and celebrations. Many will offer raffle prizes to participating readers. Names of readers will be posted on a special "Reader Roll Call" displayed at AmeriCorps volunteer sites and local libraries.

"We hope everyone will want to get involved," said AmeriCorps Week project coordinator Tony Douglass, who serves as a tutor and mentor at Memorial Elementary School in Valparaiso. "This is a project that emphasizes how important reading and learning are -- not just for young people, but for all of us at every stage of life."

Persons interested in participating should contact their local AmeriCorps volunteer or call AmeriCorps coordinator Deb Townsend at (219) 464-3583.

AmeriCorps is a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service, an independent federal agency whose mission is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering. Local AmeriCorps partnerships are funded by grants from the Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives. Program volunteers receive living stipends and earn education awards. Service opportunities are available in Porter and Lake Counties. For more information, contact AmeriCorps coordinator Deb Townsend at United Way of Porter County via email to deb@unitedwaypc.org.