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Random Acts of Kindness: Days 20-27

Scatter-KindnessThese Act of Kindness are in the participants own words and the only purpose of this challenge was to scatter kindness.

RAK #20

Yesterday, I got in touch with a dear old friend of mine named Jamie to let her know that I was thinking about her. She was a previous client of mine and truly an amazingly caring person. Recently, she bought a veterinary clinic and I wanted to find out how she was doing.

It turns out that the clinic is incredible and she loves it, even with the one hour eastbound commute each day. I’m certain that her attitude has penetrated the staff already as she has an intensely energetic personality.

RAK #21

No response, no activity.

RAK #22

Hi Donna, just wanted to let you know for my act of kindness I stood in our local grocery store parking lot and returned shopping carts for elderly people so they wouldn’t have to walk them to the cart corral and also helped several people put their groceries in their trunks, but then again I do this often!

RAK #23

No response, no activity

RAK #24

Hi Donna! I would have to say my “pay it forwards” are a matter of daily living, so to pick only 1 is hard to do. I do want to tell you a very special “pay it forward” that happened on Christmas Eve, 2013. I’ll be as brief as I can. A few months ago my granddaughter move to AZ to rekindle her relationship with her mother. Between her mother and step-dad, what at first was an offer to accept her into their home and help her, turned into a terrible situation, leaving my granddaughter without a place to live. Her she is, with a 17 mos. old baby, nowhere to live, and spending every penny she made to try to stay comfortable. She called me, crying, on Christmas Eve. I immediately thought something had gone wrong – again. Then she told me she had come out of Walmart to her car. There, on the windshield, was a $100 gift card from “Santa”. How amazing is that?!?!?!?

RAK #25

On Thursday I had to have out-patient surgery that involved my scalp receiving many numbing shots. Afterward my husband and I went to the grocery store near our house to pick up a few things. I felt fine, we did some shopping, picked up some Hallmark cards (5 to be exact). Went to the checkout, paid for the groceries with my debit card. My husband took the groceries to the car and I went to the service counter to turn in a big winning $7.00 Lotto scratch off card.

I then proceeded to the car and we went home. I set my purse on the counter and discovered I had the five greeting cards in my purse and then looked at my receipt. After discovering I was a thief, I phoned the store and explained my actions. I assured them my husband would be in the next day with the cards and would pay for them. She thanked me for being so honest.

So….I addressed all the cards, placed the return address labels and of course the stamps on the envelopes. I did not seal any of the envelopes so Jim could return the cards to the store and mail on his way home. When he went to the store he explained what had happened, the lady behind the counter was quite surprised that we were so honest. She then told Jim that she believes in Karma and what I did was a good thing. I guess my act of kindness was to pay the $23.48 to the Martin’s Grocery Store for what I inadvertently brought home with me.

Unfortunately I can not blame my “Numbskull” for being a “Numbskull”.

RAK #26

No response, no activity.

RAK #27

A friend of mine has left the corporate world and is trying to make it in the freelance writing world. I gave him some tips for freelance websites I’ve used in the past, then remembered your request and decided to go a step further. I asked if he wanted some help re-vamping his résumé to switch the focus to his new line (I used to be in the staffing biz and resume writing is still second nature for me).

It only took me less than an hour to rework his résumé and he is happy and hopeful about the results.

Thank you for the reminder to take a little extra time to help someone!

Catch up with Random Acts of Kindness Day 1, Days 2-12, and Days 13-19!