Home»Other»Rave Run – Fit City in Hangzhou

Rave Run – Fit City in Hangzhou

Those of us who run quite a bit use the term "Rave Run" to label a particular running route as one of our favorites.  Mine include the route from Georgetown to Mount Vernon, the Asheville Aboretum in the North Carolina mountains and the run to Point Loma in San Diego.  I've added another to my list:  the run around the Bai Causeway at West Lake in Hangzhou.  I ran ealry in the morning amid a parade of Chinese exercisers in this toursit town about 3 hours from Shanhai.  I passed many walkers (a number walking backward), bicyclists, group exercisers, people practicing Tai Chi, some flying kites and a .-


host of early morning Fit City types (Asian Style).  It was a memorable moment and I completed the 2 mile loop three times just to take in the experience.  I ran briefly with a group of Malaysian pilots who were there for a conference.  Well it was a great way to start my day and I was amazed at the turnout - people of all ages, but most of which were up in years.  I hope you get a chance to check out this Rave Run in Hangzhou.