Home»Community»Serving»Rebuilding Together Extends Deadline for Homeowner Assistance to Nov. 15

Rebuilding Together Extends Deadline for Homeowner Assistance to Nov. 15

Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso has extended its deadline for homeowners to apply for assistance. Valparaiso homeowners who are low-income, elderly or disabled and who would benefit from repairs or renovations to their homes are encouraged to apply for assistance from Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso, which will hold its 22nd annual Work Day on April 16, 2011. RT-Valpo-new

Those eligible for assistance must own and live in the home being worked on, and must meet federal low-income guidelines or be disabled or elderly.

Applications are available at Valparaiso City Hall, 166 Lincolnway, or may be downloaded at www.rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org. Applications should be turned in by Nov. 15 to Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso, 166 Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN 46383.

Those who don't have access to a computer and who can't leave home to get an application can have one mailed to their home by calling (219) 548-4827.

For more information about Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso or to make financial contributions or volunteer, visit www.rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org, e-mail info@rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org, call (219) 548-4827, or write to Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso, Valparaiso City Hall, 166 Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN 46383. Gifts are tax-deductible. Become a Facebook fan by searching for Rebuilding Together Valparaiso.

Rebuilding Together is the nation’s largest volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income homes and communities. Since 1990, Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso, formerly known as Christmas in April, has brought volunteers together throughout the community to help approximately 300 elderly, disabled and low-income homeowners.