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Rebuilding Together Preps for Valpo Workday On April 16

RT-Valpo-newMore than 18 projects are planned this year

Rebuilding Together – Valparaiso is gearing up for its annual workday on April 16, bringing together more than 400 volunteers and sponsors to help more than 18 worthy homeowners and projects in Valparaiso. Rebuilding Together – Valparaiso is a partnership between the City of Valparaiso and Valparaiso University to help families in making their homes warmer, safer, and more comfortable. Since its founding in 1990, Rebuilding Together – Valparaiso events have helped more than 280 families.

The year, projects include two special projects as part of a Heroes at Home effort, partially underwritten by Sears Holdings. These Heroes projects include:

  • Volunteers will help Josephine, the widow of a WWII veteran, widowed since 2001 to maintain her independence. Volunteers will install handrails, repair a nonfunctioning bathroom and replace her stove, ending her need to do her cooking in the home’s basement.
  • Erma Jean needs help with her home of 60 years. Rebuilding Together efforts will include a new roof as well as help to correct drainage issues and remove mold. A Building Trades class from the Porter County Career Center, as well as a dedicated group from the Kiwanis will work on this project.

Other projects will include:

  • Sue will be getting a much-needed roof with help from a crew of Valparaiso Fire Department, and some additional work from volunteers with the Mennonite Church and from New Creation Men’s Center.
  • Evelyn will welcome help from group of Master Gardeners to restore the English garden she had worked years to create in her backyard. A group from the National Association of Women in Construction will help with work on the home and, thanks to a partnership with Kent Heating and Cooling, Eveline will receive a new energy-efficient furnace.

Other homeowners will welcome volunteers for painting, yard work, gutter cleaning, and other home maintenance and repairs. Recipients are chosen based on need, through an application process and must own their own home.

Sponsors Needed Generous sponsors make the Rebuilding Together efforts possible. Sponsor information, as well as applications for homeowners and volunteers, is available on at www.rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org or by calling 219-548-4827. For further information about this year’s effort, contact John Albers, Rebuilding Together Workday Chairman at 219-241-5765.