Home»Community»Serving»Rebuilding Together Preps for Valpo Workday On April 21, 2012

Rebuilding Together Preps for Valpo Workday On April 21, 2012

RT-Valpo-newRebuilding Together of Valparaiso is once again gearing up to help more than 21 local homeowners improve their homes so that they can have a safe environment that they may move freely in. This year’s project consists of adding insulation and handrails, replacing roofs, repairing water damaged floors and ceilings, installing wheelchair ramps and accessible showers with grab bars.

Rebuilding Together will also be painting, cleaning gutters, spreading mulch and many other landscaping jobs.

Rebuilding Together has been rebuilding homes for Valparaiso’s elderly, disabled and low-income families for over 20 years, with help from community churches, non-profit groups, the City of Valparaiso, and Valparaiso University faculty and students.

For more information in how you can get involved and give back to your community please visit www.rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org