Home»Community»Serving»Region Rat Rollers Donate $2000 to Valpo Lions Club

Region Rat Rollers Donate $2000 to Valpo Lions Club

Region-Rat-Roller-Valpo-LionsThe Region Rat Rollers, an organization of women roller derby aficionados, recently raised funds to help the Valparaiso Lions Club in their quest to help people with vision problems. Pictured are Lions Jerry Newman, Bob Mahoney, Jo Ireland, and Bob Morgan. The Region Rat Rollers are (kneeling) Mallory Martin and Lisa Dilley, (standing from l to r) April Beres, Shelley Jones, and Susan Gourley.

The Region Rat Rollers are a charitable organization that skates and donates. They support charitable organizations throughout the Lake-Porter county region. They are 100% volunteer as are the Lions Club. At their March competition at the Jean Shephard Center in Hammond they dedicated their profits to the Valparaiso Lions and are seen in the picture contributing $2000 to the Lions to serve the people of northwest Indiana.

Visit the Region Rat Rollers at www.regionratrollers.com and the Valparaiso Lions at www.valparaisolion.org.