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Relay for Life of Greater Valparaiso Photos Online

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On the afternoon of May 21 the weather seemed spell disaster for the annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Greater Valparaiso. Though not even pouring rain could keep roughly 350 participants of 27 community based teams away to do their part. Luckily the weather cleared and from 6 p.m. that evening to 8 a.m. the following morning the track at TJ middle school was never clear of walkers who collectively raised $53,500 dollars toward a cure.

Every year the Relay is kicked off with a Survivor’s lap, where participating survivors and their caregivers can show their support for the event. For those who lost their battle with cancer a luminaria ceremony is held where participants honor their friends and loved ones. For the first time a “Fight Back” ceremony was held where participants were asked to pledge to “quit smoking,” “wear sunblock,” and take other preventive measures against cancer.

For more information on ways to volunteer or to donate to the American Cancer Society please visit http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLFY10GL?pg=entry&fr_id=21567