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Road to Life Church Launches February 19

Road to Life church is set to launch weekly services this Sunday, February 19th,, 2012 at 10:30 am. They are currently meeting at Chesterton Middle School. This church plant from RLCI (Res Life Church International, based out of Grand Rapids Michigan) landed in Chesterton in September with their first preview service captivating an astounding 350 persons. Pastors Dave and Vanessa Gargano are overwhelmed by the responsibility but hopeful for what God wants to do in Northwest Indiana.

With a team of only 2 college students, their family, and a few persons they had met through vision casting meetings throughout the summer, Road to Life began holding monthly services. Nathan & Mary Ironside, whose home church is Hillsong, Australia, also helped kick off the first few months of services, leading worship & working on the creative team. It was only after holding 2 services that they realized they needed to meet bi-weekly and move their original Easter launch date to February. “The people here are hungry for a LIFE-giving church and for the Word of God. They can’t wait until Easter,” said Dave Gargano.

Dave and Vanessa were youth pastors at Road to Life Church in St. Joe, Michigan for the previous 14 years along with Dave leading worship and Vanessa leading Kid Town, USA and the marketing department. They are visionaries with a ton of passion & enthusiasm and are driven to implement new ideas as they are given opportunities. Their vision for Road to Life Church is for every person to Realize & Reach their POTENTIAL in Christ. The motto for the church is : We are passionate for Christ, Powerful through Christ, and have Potential in Christ.

Everybody has POTENTIAL.

Whether you are 5 or 95, this church wants to help you grow! If you have kids ages 0-4th grade then Kid Town is the place for you with huge inflatables, high-energy worship, a store to redeem tickets for prizes, life-verses, and messages that will help your child to engage. If you are a senior and wanting to realize your potential then LifeWISE is a great event to plug into that meets once a month. For information on all upcoming events go to www.roadtolifechurch.us or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Road to Life Church is a non-denominational church with a worship style similar to Hillsong United, Chris Tomlin, Desperation Band, Jesus Culture, etc. They use media & lighting to enhance the worship experience and have a love for technology. Although these tools are used within the church, it in no way takes away from the very clear message that we have all fallen short, we all need God, and HE wants to do something significant in your life if you will allow him to. The stories of the people who have attended the preview services are amazing. People are already beginning to see a change in their marriages, their finances, their attitudes, their day to day struggles. If you do not have plans this Sunday, get ON the road & get TO the Road. LIFE IS HERE.