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RSVP Program Honoring Senior Volunteers

On Friday, June 5, the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) will honor its dedicated volunteers during their Annual Spring Recognition Breakfast at Strongbow Inn in Valparaiso.  Over 150 senior volunteers will be recognized at this annual event that has been taking place for over 10 years.  According to Director, Joyce Bolin, “We don’t recognize one or two volunteers.  We honor them all and make it clear that they are all doing important work in the community.”  J. Jay Brook will perform during the breakfast.

RSVP, located in the Porter County Aging & Community Services building on Campbell Street, connects adults 55 and older with volunteer opportunities throughout Porter County.  RSVP volunteers do a variety of important jobs, including tutoring, mailings for nonprofits, and crocheting lap blankets for nursing home patients, etc.  Anyone 55 and older who would like to find out more about the volunteer opportunities through RSVP can contact Joyce Bolin at 464.1028.  You can also visit the Porter County Aging & Community Services website to learn more about RSVP, www.portercountyacs.org.

Photos from the 2007 RSVP Volunteer Recognition:

Left to right: Ruth Swelstad and Dorothy Burrus.

A group of seniors dancing during the recognition.