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Ruby’s Riders Raising Money for Riley Hospital

Rubys-Riders-1Glenn and Kelly and the other riders in the Ruby’s Rider team have been affected by the great services provided by Riley Hospital for Children.

Our name, Ruby’s Riders, was decided on after the unexpected passing of Kelly’s aunt Ruby Delores Kendricks. The inside story is that Aunt Delores did not like the name Ruby so most of us called her Aunt Delores however she always gave a big smile when she was called Ruby. She was a very loving and giving woman who would have done anything for her family.

Ruby’s grandson, Chad Kendricks, is the father of Emma Kendricks, the child that has given us the inspiration to try and help as many children that need Riley Hospital care as possible.

Rubys-Riders-2In April 2009, Emma was a happy, energetic 3 year old when it was discovered that she has a genetic condition known as neurofibermitosis (NF1). A tumor had grown on her brain stem and it is inoperable. A shunt was inserted to drain the fluid off her brain. She seemed to be doing very well but the symptoms returned in August of 2009 and it was determined the tumor had begun to grow. Chemotherapy was the treatment recommended by the doctors. The treatment lasted 70 weeks.

The final round of chemo ended on August 11, 2011. The tumor had not increased in size and everything appeared stable. At her March 2012 checkup it was discovered that the tumor had grown and it was determined the best form of treatment was 31 days of proton therapy radiation. At her January 2013 doctor visit it was determined that the tumor was stable and had not increased in size.

Since then Emma has shown amazing strength and continues to amaze everyone. She is now walking, without braces whenever possible, and will be attending main stream kindergarten in the fall. Make A Wish foundation recently granted her family a trip to Disney World, which she enjoyed a lot.

There is no doubt in any of our minds that without Riley Hospital for Children, Emma would not be with us today. Her progress is amazing and she continues to fight! We want to make sure other children like Emma have the ability to receive the care and expertise that everyone at Riley Hospital for Children can provide.

Rubys-Riders-3Our team has set a goal of $2,000 and we are trying very hard to reach that goal. We are asking for help so that we can provide funding to Riley Hospital for Children. Click here to visit the team site and read more about us and contribute to Miracle Ride Foundation. All gifts to Miracle Ride Foundation are tax deductible as permitted by law.