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Safe Sitter Classes to Train Babysitters

KiwanislogoThe Portage Kiwanis Club in partnership with the Portage Fire Department will offer a Safe Sitter® class for girls and boys age 11 and up on November 19th from 9 am – 4 pm at the Portage Fire Department on Swanson Rd. Registration for the program is open until November 12th. Space is limited to 12 students, so call today!

The Safe Sitter® program is a medically accurate program that teaches young adolescents how to handle emergencies when caring for younger children. The cost is $30. To register your son or daughter or your child's babysitter, call 219-781-3295 (Shannon) or 219-921-3917 (Melissa).

Thousands of young adolescents across the country have been trained by Safe Sitter® Instructors to handle life threatening emergencies. During the course, students get hands-on practice in basic lifesaving techniques so they are prepared to act in a crisis. The Portage Fire Department & Safe Sitter instructors will be training students in infant & child CPR.

Safe Sitters also receive helpful tips to make them more confident caregivers. They learn safety precautions, how to understand children of different ages, and even the business of babysitting. To successfully complete the Safe Sitter® program, students must pass a rigorous practical and written test to show that they have mastered the key concepts and have the skills necessary to handle an emergency. Safe Sitter graduates will receive a Messenger Bag equipped with their manual, flashlight, band-aid dispenser, post-its and safe sitter business cards!

The Safe Sitter program is sponsored and taught by members of the Portage Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers of every age dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.