Sams Indiana Travelers Chapter #96 of the Indiana Good Sam RV Club Next get-to-gather will be at Denny’s Restaurant (Formerly the Flying J Restaurant) NOVEMBER 13TH, 2010, FROM NOON UNTIL 3 P.M.
Located on RT 2, one block east of I-65 (DEMONTTE / LOWELL’S EXIT) Lowell.
Because of the Holidays, we invite all RVers to come and buy your lunch and share Our Fun the 2nd Saturday of the months for November and December. We will have a roll call, and a short get acquainted meeting.
In Indiana, there are over 7,000 National Good Sam Club members. Sams Indiana Travelers #96 is next to the newest chapter in our state. We received its official Charter on September 25th, 2005 from the National Good Sam Club. As of October 2010, Chuck Wells is our new Chapter’s President. The rest of Sams Indiana Travelers Officers will take over their New positions the December 11, 2010. The following officers for 2011 were unanimously elected: Chuck Wells, President, Rich Buzalski, Vice-President, Sue Wingate, Treasurer, Bev McDonough, Secretary, Al Mills, Chaplain, and Nancy Mills, Membership Chairman. Chuck will appoint a new Wagon Master in January.
Let’s get down to this Chapter’s business. Our primary object is to have fun1 The members of the chapter also work by earning donations by various methods enabling the chapter to donate to charities within our great state of Indiana. On the 3rd weekend of the month, we usually camp at various campgrounds about 50 miles from Demotte from April to October. Before the camping season begins, members will decide where the monthly campouts will be held. We usually meet once a month, from January to March at a restaurant on a Saturday at 12 Noon to 3:00 P.M.
As in the past, at this get together, we request all members (and any visitors, who want to participate) bring a non-perishable food item. We will take a group picture of the people bringing the items along with the Food to be distributed to Food Pantries within Northwest Indiana.
Last year the local newspapers published an article about our Food Drive which totaled more than 80 pounds that was taken to the Northwest Food Panty.