Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»September 7th Porter County Rediscovers 20,000 Year Old Secret

September 7th Porter County Rediscovers 20,000 Year Old Secret

Pre-Historic-Porter-CountyYou don’t see many mastodons these days, but if you happen to be wandering around downtown Valparaiso in the next couple of weeks, you may just see one walking the three blocks from the Valparaiso Public Library to the Porter County Museum.

This extinct mammal is making its uncharacteristic début in preparation for the reopening of the museum’s exhibit, Prehistoric Porter County. During Popcorn Festival on September 7th, the museum will open its doors (jail doors, that is) to visitors once again, inviting them to make a discovery – if you’ll excuse the pun – of mammoth proportions.

The historic jail cells house the redesigned exhibit, featuring the story of how one man’s farm became a dig site for the Chicago Natural History (Field) Museum.

During Popcorn Festival, the Museum invites kids aged 8-11 to assist in another “fossil” dig on the museum lawn. PoCo Muse paleontologist Zach Gipson will be leading digs beginning at 11am, 1pm, and 3pm. Parents and Popcorn Festival goers of all ages are invited to share their stories of festivals past at the oral history booth across the lawn.

Be sure to stop by the Museum Store during your visit to see our new Prehistoric Porter County items!

The Porter County Museum will be open from 9am-4pm during Popcorn Festival and is normally open Wednesday-Saturday 9am-5pm, Thursdays 9am-5pm. The Museum is located at the southeast of Indiana Ave. and Franklin St, at 153 Franklin St.