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September Gardening Days at Brincka Cross Gardens

Brincka-Gardening-DaysEnjoy your hobby in a unique setting

Do you love to garden? Are you looking for a unique place to practice your passion? Then Brincka Cross Gardens is the place for you! Bring your favorite gloves and and join us in cleaning up the gardens within the property.

This is a great way to fulfill service hours, or simply do what you love in a beautiful setting. Wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes and extra gloves will be available. These Gardening Days will take place on Fridays, September 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30 from 9 to 11 a.m.

Brincka Cross Gardens is located at 427 E. Furness Road in Pine Township. For more information, contact Recreation Supervisor Gayle O'Connor at 219-548-0219 or goconnor@porterco.org.