Earlier this year, Calvary Church had a goal of fully funding an orphanage in Mitaboni, Kenya through Kids Alive International, which is headquartered here in Valparaiso, Indiana. The members of the church strongly believed in this ministry and in a few short days, there were enough family sponsorships to fund the entire orphanage. In addition to sponsoring the children, the church is sending a group of 15 men on a mission trip this week to help work on the orphanage building itself.
Local band, Sevenglory, also felt strongly about Mission Mitaboni, and decided to donate 100% of all proceeds from their CD "To Calvary" to the cause. For every donation of $5 to Mission Mitaboni, one will receive their latest CD. Senior Pastor, Lionel Young, believes music is a very strong tool in spreading the gospel. "Our mission at Calvary is to spread the word from Valparaiso to the World and we believe music is one powerful way to do that. That is why we asked Kurt Felsman to be part of our team. As the lead singer of Sevenglory--he is writing and recording music not only for our church--but for the larger world."
Just over a year ago, Kurt Felsman took on the role as Worship Leader at Calvary Church, soon after that he connected with Sevenglory who, at that time, were looking for a lead singer. Kurt and the band members, Gabe Johannes, and Caleb Johannes don't want to be seen in church as 'the band,' "We just want to use our God given gifts to glorify Him, it's inevitable that people will see us differently, but we don't see ourselves that way. We are serving our church on the worship team, just as other members on the team, serve in childcare, at the info desk, or in any number of different capacities," Kurt Felsman humbly remarked. Kurt explained that the band did struggle with releasing the CD at church on a Sunday, as they did not want to focus to be on them, but when the opportunity to partner with Calvary's project and Kids Alive arose, they agreed it would be an awesome opportunity to bring the Mitaboni project center stage. "It is our privilege to help in this capacity, as it is all for the Kingdom."
In addition to debuting the album to the church, Silas Kakui, the Karundas Center Manager, and Program Manager of all the Kenya sites for Kids Alive and Calvary Member, Al Lackey, President of Kids Alive International, addressed the congregation, sharing the difference the church is making on the other side of the globe and giving thanks for their support and prayers.
Pastor Lionel is very encouraged about the CD release and newly built 7Spin Studios within the church. "The CD release this past Sunday was a preview of Sevenglory's up and coming album that is being recorded in 7Spin Studios right here at Calvary Church. It is their thank you to us. In turn we are giving away all proceeds from the CD to the cause of saving orphans on the African continent."
With the completion of the recording studio, Kurt said the hopes are to help and encourage musicians. "Musicians can become quickly discouraged in the music industry as often churches don't embrace artists and the record companies jade people. Our hope is to attract other area artists and use their gifts for God's glory."
Kurt shared the back story of the first track "Least of These" which they performed for the congregation on Sunday. "Our band wants to do mission trips in the future, and we want this to be our theme song." Dennis Michaelis, who works with and often plays with Sevenglory, recorded the footage on a recent trip to the Mitaboni orphanage and produced the video.
Kurt is ever thankful that he has found a home at Calvary Church. "We are so blessed to be part of a forward thinking church that has a heart to see outside these four walls to not only serve our church, and local artists, but the global Church as well."
Pastor Lionel knows that God is blessed by music, "God loves good music--in fact, he chose to communicate his portions of his Word to us through songs. One of the things we learn from Scripture is that music is a powerful communicator. The Psalms are a case point."
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