Home»Other»Sierra Club Recognizes NIPSCO for Fully Developing Clean Energy Initiative

Sierra Club Recognizes NIPSCO for Fully Developing Clean Energy Initiative

nipsco-logoOn December 1, 2011, the Sierra Club recognized NIPSCO for its efforts to fully develop its clean energy pilot program this month. NIPSCO submitted a 30-day filing to the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to fix technical issues with the feed-in tariff program, allowing customers to move forward with purchasing and installing their wind and solar systems.

"We recognize the important role these programs play in promoting further renewable energy and economic development opportunities in northern Indiana. The Sierra Club was critical in helping us develop these options for our customers," said NIPSCO CEO, Jimmy Staton. "As these programs contribute to both economic and environmental sustainability, we are committed to exploring ways to offer these types of renewable options for our customers beyond the pilot."

The feed-in tariff pilot program provides an opportunity for the customer to receive a check from NIPSCO for the amount of electricity generated from a renewable energy project. The program is designed to connect customers with solar, wind, hydro, or biomass systems to the grid and make renewable energy a financially viable investment.

Following NIPSCO’s filing, we are already seeing solar projects moving forward from Valparaiso to Goshen. The feed-in tariff creates innovative incentives for businesses and citizens to provide clean, renewable energy in Indiana which is vital for the health and welfare of all of our citizens” said Steve Francis, Chair of the Hoosier Chapter.

Feed-in tariffs are increasing being viewed as the most comprehensive renewable energy policy to drive a clean energy economy and increase local generation of electricity. 64 percent of global wind capacity and 87 percent of global solar capacity can be attributed to utilities offering feed-in tariff programs. NIPSCO has positioned itself as a leader in Indiana with its feed-in tariff pilot that will bring the clean energy jobs and economic opportunities of a clean energy economy.

Sierra-Club-LogoToday’s recognition of NIPSCO’s effort to fully implement the feed-in tariff follows efforts by the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign to support this renewable energy program. This month, the Beyond Coal campaign launched the Clean Energy Future Coalition of over 40 businesses and organizations that signed a letter thanking NIPSCO’s CEO Jimmy Staton for creating their renewable energy programs and urging Staton to resolve technical issues keeping wind projects from being approved and beginning in the feed-in tariff program.

It is exciting to see our grassroots efforts to support NIPSCO’s feed-in tariff working” said Local Leader of Michigan City Beyond Coal Matt Landry, “We have a unique opportunity to appreciate our utility for taking steps forward and stepping northern Indiana up to use our region’s incredible resources and be an example for renewable energy not only for Indiana, but the Midwest, and our country.”

Clean energy continues to increase across the country. Indiana’s wind resource is ranked 15th in the US by the National Renewable Energy Lab with the potential to provide over 400 percent of Indiana’s current electricity needs. Investing in renewable energy and efficiency instead of coal could create good-paying, green jobs in Indiana and protect our health.