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Sign Up Now and Learn to be a Master Food Volunteer

Master-Food-VolunteersThe Master Food Volunteer Program is a program for participants to help with the community garden at Sunset Hill, Parks programming, South County Programs and other community programs. The meeting dates are Thursday, Feb 27 and Thur. March 6 from 10am - 3pm at Sunset Hill Farm County Park in the Program Center. The curriculum will cover - Building healthy eating patterns; Balancing food and activity; Reading the label (fat, sugar, sodium); Altering recipes for better health; Think about your drink; Meal/menu planning; Preparing fruits and vegetables; Food safety; Successful presentations.

There will also be monthly meetings (TBD) to provide more education to the participants and to help with program plans and to answer questions.

There are 7 spaces left in the program. If you'd like to register or have more questions call 219-734-0203.

Trainees who complete the program, led by Purdue Extension, become part of a special volunteer team and participate in various activities geared toward educating the public and enhancing health and well being. Maximum 10 participants.

Training sessions will be from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Thursday, February 27 and March 6th.

This is a FREE program. To register, or for more information, call (219) 465-3586.