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Singing Competition Spotlights State’s Amateur Talent

Hoosier-Star-2011LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra Announcing 2012 Hoosier STAR Auditions

The LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra (LSCO) is looking for contestants for the seventh annual Hoosier STAR competition. The Hoosier STAR competition, sponsored by Horizon Bank and NIPSCO, is open to amateur singers of all musical types and age groups. Auditions will be on Saturday, March 17 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) and Sunday, March 18 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. (CDT). The auditions will take place at the LaPorte Little Theatre, 218 A Street, LaPorte, Indiana.

The Hoosier STAR singing competition brings amateur singers from across the state together in order to compete for recognition and cash prizes. Contestants are divided into two age groups: youth - 17 years old and under; and adult - 18 years old and over (at the time of auditions). Twelve finalists, six in each age group, will move advance to the final event and the chance to win monetary prizes along with the title of 2012 Hoosier STAR.

The 12 Hoosier STAR finalists will perform along with the Hoosier STAR Orchestra, conducted by Philip Bauman on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at the LaPorte Civic Auditorium. Audience members will choose the final two winners in each age division based on that night's performances. First and second place in the Youth Division will receive $500 and $250 respectively. First and second place in the Adult Division will receive $1,000 and $500 respectively.

Registration forms can be found on the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra website at www.LCSO.net as well as by emailing HoosierStar@LCSO.net or calling 219-362-9020. Registration is open on a first-come, first-serve basis. Thus, the LSCO encourages contestants to pre-register for a guaranteed time slot. The registration/audition fee is $20 per person. Audition applications must be postmarked by March 10, 2012 in order to receive a guaranteed time slot. Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis during the audition dates until all available times are filled.

Hoosier STAR is open to amateur soloists only; no duets or group performances may enter. For auditions, applicants may provide their own accompanist, use a CD with no lead vocals, or sing a cappella.

Hoosier-Star-2011-1"None of us on the Hoosier STAR committee could have ever anticipated how this event would grow over the past six years," said Lee Bauman, Executive Director of the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra. "Contestants come from across the state, showcasing their talents while they sing all types of music such as classical, Broadway, country, gospel, pop, rock, jazz, opera, or blues."

"It is an absolute thrill to be able to help vocalists of all ages realize their dreams and have the chance to perform in front of a live audience with a full orchestra for accompaniment," said Sheryl Edwards, co-chair of the event. "The Hoosier STAR competition once again promises to be a program that is entertaining and full of surprises."

WHAT: Hoosier STAR, a vocal competition sponsored by Horizon Bank and NIPSCO to raise funds for the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra is a state wide singing competition. Amateur singers of all musical types will compete for prizes. Auditions are to determine 12 finalists to compete for cash prizes for the winners of the September 15, 2012 event where the audience will choose the winners.

WHO: Contestants must be a resident of the state of Indiana or Southwest Michigan.

WHEN: March 17, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm & March 18, Noon - 6:00 pm

WHERE: La Porte Little Theatre, 218 A Street, La Porte, Indiana 46350

HOW: Preregister for a time slot with a $20 audition fee, checks made payable to La Porte County Symphony Orchestra. The deadline for entry is March 10, 2012. Entries past this date are accepted, but requested time slots are not guaranteed. Walk-ins on the day of auditions will be worked into the schedule. Online registration and payment is available here. Click here for a form to download and mail to: Hoosier STAR Audition P.O. Box 563 La Porte, IN 46352-0563

QUESTIONS: LCSO.net. (219) 362-9020 HoosierSTAR@LCSO.net. Applicants will be notified of their reservation time assignment.