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Snow Day Make-Up Day on April 6, 2015 – on Campus!

porter-township-schools-logoI am sure you are like me and excited to see temperatures reach the upper 50's this week. It fills me with great hope that the intense winter weather is behind us. I'm ready for spring!

As you know, this year we launched into a new endeavor working to provide instruction on days with incapacitating inclement weather. This allowed us to continue to provide instruction despite the weather--instruction that was essential to provide prior to our state testing windows. This is an exciting endeavor as our digital age is allowing us to have resources to not allow us to be hindered by bad weather. It is never ideal to have unplanned gaps in instructional days. We learned a lot this year while our staff worked extremely hard to deliver these days. We are now taking what we have learned and translating that to ways we need to improve.

One thing that we learned was that our snow day make-up days (that are already scheduled and on the calendar) will be best delivered on campus. While during incapacitating inclement weather our families are often snow-bound themselves, this is not true on our built-in make-up days. This causes child care issues for parents who otherwise would have planned to send their students to the building. Our plan for the February date was to have a date, well in advance, where we could practice the online inclement weather day. When we first discussed and planned this, we had not yet had an inclement weather day online. As we all know, that rapidly changed!

As we don't expect inclement weather on April 6 (I hope I didn't just jinx us!), we will plan to have a regular school day where students come to the school building.