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Someone You Should Know in Valpo

Valparaiso, Indiana is close to Chicago, so we get nightly news feeds from the Chicago-land TV stations.

One such station, channel 7 - an ABC affiliate, has a reporter named Harry Porterfield, who over the years has done a series of reports named "Someone You Should Know". These reports highlight everyday citizens who make a difference in their local communities. I recently met a person of this caliber. We connected 1st on Twitter -I am one of her followers.

Her name is Ms. Christine Hisick and she is the Founder/Organizer of Banta Feeds Food Drives. Her grass roots movement to organize neighborhood food drives to re-stock the dwindling food pantry supplies in Porter County is commendable!

Recently, she told her story at the Ladies Bible Study at our Church, and our small group is coming on board to support her cause by collecting items to help her supply those in need in our local community this fall.

Her motto is simple, yet profound: "Alone we have a pebble, but together we can build mountains".

Visit their Website @ www.bantafeeds.com or Facebook Fan Page " Banta Feeds Food Drive " for more information!