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Songbirds of Sunset Hill Farms

Beginner to advanced painters welcome to 6-week acrylic painting class focusing on the birds at Sunset Hill Farm. Come to all 6 weeks or drop in for your favorite bird. Call 465-3586 to register. eastern-bluebird

Date: Starting Sept. 9, 2010
Contact: Shirley Massey, O.S.C.I. (smassey@porterco.org)
Location: Sunset Hill Farm Education Building
Times: Thursdays & Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-Noon, Thursdays 6:00-9:00 p.m.
Cost: $20/class or $100 for 6 weeks (All supplies included.)

  • Week 1: Eastern Blue Bird
  • Week 2: American Goldfinch
  • Week 3: House Wren
  • Week 4: Ruby Throated Hummingbird
  • Week 5: Cardinal Week 6: Robin