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South Central Kindergarten Round-UP!

South-Central-SatellitesKindergarten Round-Up at South Central will be held on Thursday, March 7, 2013 at 6:00 PM (Snow date: March 12, 2013).

This is an opportunity for parents of potential Kindergarten students to come and learn more about the program at South Central Elementary School. The school is planning will offer full day Kindergarten classes next year. Please call the school (219-767-2269 x302)to inform the office of your incoming Kindergartner’s name and birth date. If you have a friend or neighbor with a 2013/2014 Kindergartner, please share this information with them.

This event is for adults only please. There will be an opportunity for children to do a Kindergarten visit prior to the end of the school year. Bring the child’s original birth certificate with you.