Home»Other»South Shore CVA Receives Bronze Telly Award in 2015

South Shore CVA Receives Bronze Telly Award in 2015

Man-Up-Along-the-South-Shore-guitarThe South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority was recently recognized for the ‘Man Up Along the South Shore’ promotional video through the Telly Awards.

In January 2015, the South Shore CVA launched a new campaign offering the ultimate trip-planning guide for the average man looking to “man up.” The promo video for the ‘Man Up Along the South Shore’ campaign used “tongue in cheek” humor to attract visitors to the website.

The campaign’s website, www.southshorecva.com/manup, includes trip ideas centered around craft breweries and pubs; sporting events and activities; entertainment games such as laser tag, bowling and paintball; casinos and upscale relaxation; and various outdoorsman activities and butcher shops.

The Telly Awards was founded in 1979 and is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online commercials, video and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world.

A prestigious judging panel of more than 500 accomplished industry professionals, known as the Silver Council, judged the competition, which garnered nearly 12,000 entries from throughout the United States and numerous countries this year.

The Silver Council evaluated entries to recognize distinction in creative work. Less than 10 percent of entries are chosen as winners of the Silver Telly Award, Telly Awards’ highest honor, and approximately 25 percent of entries are chosen as winners of the Bronze Telly Award.

This year, the South Shore CVA has also been awarded a Gold Hermes Creative Award for the ‘Man Up Along the South Shore’ promotional video and an Award of Distinction from The Communicator Awards for the ‘How Tourism Benefits a Community’ video series.

To watch the ‘Man Up Along the South Shore’ promotional video, visit http://bit.ly/1H6hxPc. To learn more about the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority or to learn about events happening along the South Shore, visit www.southshorecva.com.