About three years ago, Treace Medical Concepts, Inc. developed a breakthrough bunion surgery technique, after advanced research revealed that the surgery is in fact a 3D procedure, not 2D one.
Dr. Dominik Meyer, DPM and Dr. Cynthia Lembcke-Grundy of South Shore Foot and Ankle have been operating and offering this unique surgery for two years now at multiple locations including Porter Regional Hospital, St. Mary Medical Center in Hobart, and Franciscan Health Center in Crown Point.

Lapiplasty is the first and only procedure specifically developed for correcting all three dimensions of the bunion deformity, beginning with the root of the problem. The advanced technology used during surgery is designed to allow patients to walk within just days of surgery, enabling them to get back to an active and busy lifestyle. In addition, the surgery itself is relatively short— lasting about two hours— and requires only light sedation in the lower regional block of the foot, lowering anesthesia risks.
Many mistakenly believe bunions can simply be shaven off. In reality, bunions are complex deformities caused by an unstable joint in the middle of the foot. This joint is the foundation of the problem. It allows your entire metatarsal bone to deviate out of alignment, forming the unsightly bump. In fact, in 87% of bunions, the bone is misaligned in three dimensions.
First, the bone starts to lean sideways. Next, the bone elevates up like a stool with a short leg, transferring excessive weight and pressure to the other toes and causing pain in the ball of one’s foot. Finally, the bone can rotate out of alignment, causing abnormal wear and tear on the big toe joint.
If these symptoms are left untreated, the deformity can progress, causing further problems such as joint pain and stiffness, severe arthritis, and hammer toes.
The Lapiplasty complete treatment option restores normal 3D anatomy, fixes unstable joints (the root cause of the bunion), and provides a permanent correction.
Most current bunion surgeries are only 2D solutions for a 3D problem. Previous surgeries were meant to target pain and correct cosmetic issues, addressing symptoms that aren’t the true root-cause of bunions. These measures are almost like putting a Band-Aid on the problem.
Studies show that about one in three patients are dissatisfied with the aesthetics, pain, and function of previous 2D Osteotomy surgeries. Additionally, there is a 70 percent chance that the bunion will come back.
“The thing I hear most concerning bunions is that the problem is almost always genetic. You shouldn’t have to suffer from bunions just because you have heard hearsay from others regarding non-lasting and painful bunion correcting surgeries,” Dr. Meyer said. “Our techniques and the resources we currently have available to our patients are progressed and advanced, and we are able to provide much better outcomes.”
Like a proper car alignment, the procedure shifts and de-rotates the deviated bone, not only eliminating the bump, but restoring your metatarsal bone and big toe joint back to normal anatomy permanently.
For more information, visit https://southshorefootandankle.com/foot-ankle/bunions-1.