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Speak Up Survey: PTSC Weekly Update

porter-township-schools-logoStudents, parents, educators, and community members are invited to participate in the Speak Up 2014 Survey. This survey gathers valuable data from across the country. When you go to the website, click on your group (students, parents, educators, community) and then it will allow you to enter information to find the school you attend, work in. The information you provide is valuable--please take the chance to share your thoughts!

PTSC Standouts:
The 8th annual Kent’s Run 5K, sponsored by Walgreens and held on Saturday, May 24, 2014, raised $46,000 for the Indiana Chapter of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. In its seven years of existence, Kent’s Run has raised a total of $257,400 for LLS. Kent’s Run was established in honor of Kent Ribordy, a 16-year-old young man who loved farming, his family, country music, water skiing, snow skiing, snowmobiles, go-carts, tractors, and his pick-up truck. Kent died of leukemia on June 17, 2007, and although his loss has left a hole in the lives of those who knew and loved him, his passion and intensity has left an indelible imprint on their hearts. Kent didn’t just live life; he loved it – and he inspired those around him to love it, too. The 8th annual Kent’s Run 5K sponsored by Walgreens will be held on Saturday, May 23, 2015, at Boone Grove Elementary School in south Porter County. For more information visit www.KentsRun.com. KR5 can also be followed on Facebook (Kent’s Run 5K) or on Twitter (@KentsRun5K). If you are interested in sponsorship information or volunteering for the 2015 Kent’s Run 5K, please contact the race director at KentRun5K@gmail.com.

Congratulations to our BGMS Cheerleaders for their hard work and support of the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk. They cheered on the walkers, performed, and also raised close to $1000. Great job, ladies!

We have many PCC All Conference standouts for the fall season! Congratulations to all who achieved this honor!

Cross Country: Megan Jordan, Cameron Jones, Abe Maxwell

Soccer: Samantha Wolf, Sarah Brown, Allie Hill, Sara Martinez, Brad Kaminsky, Austin Aguilera, Austin Rocha

Volleyball: Kennedy Starcevich, Lexi Thill, Carrie Kovacik, Andrew Foster, Tyler Bauman, Issac Mioduski

Email PTSC standouts to Dr. Schmidt at stacey.schmidt@ptsc.k12.in.us.

Important Dates:
All November and December: A Night Out at Chili’s: PTO is sponsoring a Family Fundraiser at Chili’s for the entire month of November and December (no weekend or hour restrictions). You can visit Chili’s at the Merrillville or Valparaiso location and as long as you have the Chili’s voucher – this is a delicious way to help earn money for your school plus if you purchase a scrip Chili’s card you will earn an additional 11%! Vouchers will be coming home very soon – they will not be available at Chili’s. Additional copies of voucher can be downloaded from the school website or the PTO Facebook page.
November 4, 2014: Picture retakes and PLE and BGE
Now through December 19, 2014: Take the Speak Up Survey. You can access it at http://www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2014/. Speak Up, a national online research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow®, gives individuals the opportunity to share their viewpoints about key educational issues, particularly concerning 21st century education and technology.
November 8, 2014: Snowfest Craft Fair at BGHS from 9am - 3pm
November 12, 2014: Susan Gleason, the Coordinator of the Tobacco Education & Prevention Coalition will be holding a town hall meeting on the rapid rise of the youth use of hookah pens, e-cigarettes, and other nicotine delivery devices. The meeting will be held on November 12th at 3:30 at the Valparaiso Community Schools Administrative board room (3801 N Campbell St, Valparaiso).